How much is a 4*8 (1325) non-metal CO2 Laser Cutting Machine cost?
When you want to buy a 4*8 ft (1300*2500) non-metal CO2 Laser Cutting Machine, you might receive quotations that vary widely in price. Then how to consider and compare?
There are several important matters that counts on the pricing:
1) The working area
The real cutting size of the non-metal CO2 laser cutter has to be 1300*2500. For example, the sheet is 1250*2450mm, if we want to cut the whole sheet at one time, the working size should be bigger that the sheet size, so we we can cut to the sheet edge and not waste sheet.
2) Laser Power
The choice of laser power should depend on the working materials and the thickness. 100W, 130W,150W, 180W,220W, 300W are common to see. The higher laser power, the faster cutting speed.
3) Brand of Laser Tube
RECI, EFR, YONGL are mostly popular brands of laser tube. Beijing RECI ranks No.1 in this industry as well as with the highest price. The laser tube brand difference can lead to difference price of 1325 CO2 laser machine.
4) Machine design
Machine design is also a factor that leads the cost difference of 1325 non-metal CO2 laser Cutter.
Take the following models for example. STL1325A has higher price than ST1325P (cutting effect are same). STL1325A use different design, different guide rail & different machine body.
SEQUOYATEC offers CO2 Laser Cutting Machine with different working size, optional laser power, and customized design. Welcome to contact us for details.
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